#Tips And Tricks Of JavaScript

Arif Ahmad Choudhury
2 min readNov 3, 2020
Learn of javaScript


JavaScript is a single threaded programming language ,single threaded runtime, a single call stack, and it can do one thing at a time, that’s what a single thread means, the program can run one piece of code at a time.

2.Data Types Of JavaScript

#Primitive values :

>Undefine, Used for unintentionally missing values.

>Null, Used for intentionally missing values.

>Booleans, Used for logical Operators.

>Numbers, Used for math calculations.

>Strings, Used for text.

>Symbols, Used to hide implementation details.

>BigInts, Used for math or big numbers.

# Objects And Functions :

>Objects, Used to group related data and code.

>Function, Used to refer to code.

3.Checking of Data types

# We can inspect the type of something by warping it in a typeof expression.

Example: typeof (4) is the string value “number”.

4.Error Handling ‘’Try..Catch’’

# The try.. Catch construct has two main blocks, try and then catch.



// code…


// error handling


#It works likes this

>first , the code in try {..} is executed.

>If there were no error , then catch (err) is ignored: the execution reaches the end of try and goes on skipping catch.

> if an error occurs, then the try execution is stopped and control flows to the beginning of catch (err). the err variable will contain an error object with details about what happened.

5. Coding Style

#Code must be as clean and easy to read as possible. That is actually the art of programming .given bellow syntax of coding style.


#Comments can be single -line starting with //

and multi-line starting with /*………….*/

7.Cross browser testing

# Cross browser testing is the practice of making sure that the web sites and web apps we create work across an acceptable number of web browsers.

8.Cross browser issues

#Cross browser issues commonly occur because-

>sometimes browsers have bugs, or implement features differently.

>some browsers may have different levels of support for technology features than others.

>some devices may have constraints that cause a web site to run slowly, or display badly.

9.What is Caching?

#caching is a general computer concept that provides efficiency through data availability.

10.What is Data Cost?

#Data cost is simply the idea that every operation, every function, every aspect of what we do with an API results in some sort of cost.

